Hacking Tricks Internet

Here is my latest tutorial 

Durpal IMCE Website Defacing Exploit

Exploit  Google Dork: inurl:"/imce?dir="   

Find a vulnerable website:
Now Navigate To Folders Like Root ect

Click Upload
Select A Html Or Php Deface Page
Click Upload

Now you can acess ur defaced page

 Note:Some Sites May Only Accept .Jpg Or .Png Formats

Live Demo:

Enable Ftp In Windows 7

Ftp File Transfer Protocol is a protocol just like Tcp or Ip Which is used totransfer files between remote computers.Mainly used in web servers

Open Computer
Go To Bellow Address

Control Panel\Programs

Click Turn Windows Function On Or Off

Go To Internet Information Services 
Double Click To Get Ftp Server

Check Ftp Server Click Ok
Using Ftp:

To use ftp go to Command Promt and enter query FTP

To connect to a server: 

   open domainname/ip

To Login use bellow commands:

User (X:(none)): username

Replace username with your username
!           delete      literal     prompt      send
?           debug       ls          put         status
append      dir         mdelete     pwd         trace
ascii       disconnect  mdir        quit        type
bell        get         mget        quote       user
binary      glob        mkdir       recv        verbose
bye         hash        mls         remotehelp
cd          help        mput        rename
close       lcd         open        rmdir
Note:This Is Just An Introduction To Brute Force Attacks And Web Defacing Using Anonymous Ftp

Find Admin Page Of A Website The Simple Methord

To hack a website in most cases admin page is more important.I will show you a simple trick to find admin pages
I will use a simple loop hole in robots.txt

Do you know about robots.txt file ?

Yes it is file to spiders of search engines to decide what to crawl and what not to crawl. The Robot Exclusion Standard, also known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol or robots.txt protocol, is a convention to prevent cooperating web crawlers and other web robots from accessing all or part of a website

Yes lets start:

First select a website eg:www.google.com
Then after the address add /robots.txt to website adress
Now ur Url will be www.google.com/robots.txt
Now you will get a txt file showing all pages which is disallowed by admin to search engine
If the site admin is a good Administrator he will not allow admin page to be crawled by search engine
Now seach for admin you will find admin page
See bellow



Collection Of Best Deface Pages Website Defacing Explained

Deface Page is common term inHacking.Defacing website is becoming popular now adays.And this post is for the beginners in hacking 
What Is Defacing: 

Defacing a website means Replacing the index page of a website with a Deface Page.It is actually an attack on a website that changes the visual appearance of the site or a webpage
It is usually done when a hacker gains illegal acess to a website.It is done by crackers
What Is A Defaced Page:

It is a Webpage usually html created by hacker with his own customizations and credits. This page usually includes the  "Hacking Codename."  In most cases Website Defacer makes fun of the system administrator for maintaining poor security. Most times, the defacement is harmless and isdone to show  cracker's skills

You can Download Popular Deface Pages Here.
Note: Edit with a text editor ,Replace text and images with yours.And you are Done

Havij 1.15 Pro Cracked Full Version

Havij is a Advance Injection Tool used by hackers to steal information from data base.The normal copy of
Havij is free. Read my post on hackingWebsite Using Havij Tool Read Now

Now I am giving free Havij 1.15 Pro version to my readers.

New Havij Pro 1.5 Includes:

MsSql With No Error
MsSql With Error
MsSql Blind
MsSql Time Based
Ms Access
Ms Access Blind
Oracle Error Based
And much more

See Details On Installation And Working Download Guide

How To Download:
I Cannot give you the download link here as the may Penalyze me under DMCA(CopyRight Act)
You can Comment ur Mail Id Bellow ,I ill Mail u Personally.

Or You Can Directly Download Click Bellow(Due to mass requests)


How To Copy Website Files Ripping Explored

Website Coping  or Website Ripping is the process of Downloading A Complete Website with its images, javascripts, links, pages and all other things linked with aWebsite.If u save a page from a browser it will not include every  script’s and images, It also excludes the pages linked with the website and only downloads the current page. Now lets learn How To Copy A Website Fully

First select the Website(Copy its url)
Then Download HtTrack
Install and open HtTrack
Skip the welcome page by click Next

Enter the details bellow:
Project Name: Website name(eg RealHackers)
Project category: Any category(Hacking)
Base Path: Select the Folder you want to save website details after copiying

Click Next
Enter the details bellow
Action: Download website(s)
Click Add Url button and enter ur website address without http://
Note: You can also add multiple websites at a time

Click Next
Adjust Values as on the image bellow


Click Finish and wait till it completes its Downloading

After Downloading you will find your copied website in the Folder you selected earlier

Website Hacking Using Havij Sql Injection Tool

Today I am going to teach you Website Hacking Using HaviPowerfull Sql InjetionTool
It is simple to hack with this Professional Tool Havij.You will learn how to getUsernames 
Passwords and other details from vulnerable sites.

Go to google enter the dorks bellow


More can be found from Google!

Select a vulnerable website
eg; http://thewsite.com/class.php?id=12
Add (') without brackets to the adress 
and the website above will be like http://thewsite.com/class.php?id=12'

If you get Mysql error like bellow then site is Vulnerable. otherwise select another

Download Havij Sql Injection Tool

 Open Havij 

 Enter the site address in the 
Target Field and click Analyse

Wait till the tool analyses

Then if ur site is vulnerable you will be getting the database name in log field
Current DB: ViRtUaL_SEdA_MaIn

Click on Get DBS
Select A Database
Click on Get Tables
Select A Table
Click on Get Colums
Select Some Columns eg username,password, ect

Click on Get Data

You will be getting Usernames and Passwords
Note:Passwords will be in encrypted form(eg; *3F5FB6596AF8D91ED7B5AC13071C73BF3E819A9A)

How to 
Decrypt  passwords

Click on MD5
Paste the encrypted password and click Start

Now you will have the plain Passwords
now you will have to find the Admin page

How to find the Admin Page
Click Find Admin
Enter the site address and click Start

Now Login Sucessfully

Note:This tutorial is only for practicals in your own Labs and Websites

Download: Havij 1.5 Pro Full Version Download

In above posts i wrote about advance Website Hacking and in this post I amwriting about a simple way to hack a website and upload ur file using TmEdit

Go to Google

Enter bellow Dork without quotes


Search for a vulnerable website

You will get something like bellow

Choose the file

Define the path(Put Website Url Here)

Click Ok

Click Upload

Wait till it uploads

View ur file:

Remember: Hacking Is Fun. But Also A Crime!

Website Hacking Html Upload Vulnerability

Today I am going to teach youhow to hack a website. Ie how to upload ur files to others website without their permission.This is my firsttutorial on RealHackers about website hacking with a live demo

Lets Begin:

Go To Google

Type: "inurl:/HTMLEditor/editor//filemanager//connectors/"without quotes

Select a website

I am selecting The website:


Ok just replace things after “connectors/to “uploadtest.html

Now the above url will become :


Now you will see something like bellow

Now select the file u want to upload

I am selecting metrix.gif

And select the “File Uploader” as PHP

Click Upload and wait….

You will get a PopUp msg saying that ur File Has Been uploaded Successfully

Viewing The File:

Just go to 

“http://www.website.com/Url You Got After Uploading Here”

ie Uploaded File URL as bellow

My Url would be:


If u get errors likes

Uploder Disabled

Content Forbiden

U are unlucky, just try another site.

Remember: Hacking Is A Crime In Real World..And Fun In 
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