March 27, 2013

A.L.A.R.M. is a Basic Anti-Theft Utility for Your Laptop

This utility is helpful when leaving your laptop unattended for a bit while in a public place or even at the office. What it does is quite simple — it plays a loud sound, should someone unplug the notebook. It’s a simple idea, but can be quite effective.

Using A.L.A.R.M.

First download A.L.A.R.M. It’s a small utility — less than 1MB — and installation is easy. I recommend keeping all components checked during the install.

After running it, you’ll have to find it in the system tray and left click it to open properties. Don’t right click, as that will close it.
alarm properties open
The interface is as simple as it can be. You can choose your own sound or leave the default one (which is pretty annoying on its own). It supports MP3 and WAV files and I recommend leaving the volume all the way up if you leave the computer.
There’s also the option for it to work only when the laptop is locked, so it shouldn’t bother you in case you’re working and want to unplug your laptop.

It’s a simple idea, and if someone were to unplug your laptop and try to make a getaway, a lot of attention would be drawn to them.
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