March 4, 2013

Port Forwarding

For information on how to host a Minecraft server, please check out our How to Host a Minecraft Server guide.
To setup port forwarding on this router your computer needs to have a static ip address. 
Try our free PF Setup Static IP Address Program which will setup a static ip address for your computer. 

Or you can take a look at our Static IP Address guide to setup a static ip address. When you are finished setting up a static ip address, please come back to this page and enter the ip address you setup in the Static IP Address box below. 

Do not skip this step!

Open a web browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox. Enter the internal IP address of your router in the address bar of your browser. If you do not know your routers internal IP address please read our How To Find Your Routers IP Address guide. 

In the picture above the address bar has in it. Just replace all of that with the internal IP address of your router. By default the IP address should be set to
You should see a box prompting you for your username and password. Enter your username and password now. By default the username is admin, and the password is password. Click the Login button to log in to your router. 

Please visit our Default Router Passwords page if the username and password shown above did not work for you.
Click the Advanced link near the left of the page.
You should now see a new menu. In this new menu, click Port Forwarding.
Click the Add Service button near the center of the page.

Entry #1

We will list a series of lines here that will show you exactly how to forward the ports you need to forward. Minecraft Server requires you to forward the 25565 ports. Go ahead and enter the settings shown above into the Add Servicemenu and then click Port Forwarding.
Add Service
Common Services:
Service Type:
Server IP Address:...
Starting Port:
Ending Port:
And that is it! You are done!

To test if your port has been properly forwarded, you can use our Port Checker tool.
Didn't find the screenshot you were looking for? Check our our giant collection of router screenshots.

How to Find your Router's IP Addresses

Each router has 2 IP addresses: an internal IP address and an external IP address.
  • Your router's internal IP address is what you use to talk to your router. Use this IP address to login to your router and configure it for things like port forwarding.

  • Your router's external IP address is what the rest of the world uses to find you on the Internet. Tell this IP address to people who are trying to connect to you if you are hosting a game or other kind of server.
Notice the dashed line in the image below. The dashed line represents the division of two different IP addresses in your router.
Router IP address conceptual diagram

How To Find Your Routers Internal IP Address
You have 2 options here. You can either:
  • Download our Free Static IP Software, which will tell you your routers internal IP address (it will be called "gateway address"), or

  • Use the Windows command prompt
To find your routers internal IP address the easiest method is with a little command line tool called ipconfig that comes with Windows. First you need to click Start and find the Run command. You should see a little run dialog box that looks something like this.
Run dialog box
In the run dialog box type in cmd and either press enter or click the Okbutton. You should see a black window with white text, referred to as acommand prompt.
Windows XP command prompt
At the command prompt type in ipconfig and press enter. You should see results that look like the following image.
Router's internal IP address
I have circled the routers IP address in red in the above image. Notice that windows lists it under the title Default Gateway.
REMEMBER: This is the IP address that you use to configure your router for port forwarding.

How To Find Your Routers External IP Address
The easiest way to determine your routers external IP address is to visit a website that reports it back to you. We do that for you. Below is your real external IP address as of right now.

Your external IP is

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