August 8, 2013

How to Hide Hard Drive in Windows 7/Vista/XP : Different Ways

  • First of all Go to RUN and Open Group Policy Editor.Type ‘gpedit.msc’ in RUN Dialog Box to Open Group Policy Editor
  • Now Go to User Configuration and Select Administrative Templates as shown below in the Image
  • After Selecting Administrative Templates  on the Right Hand Side You Will See ‘Windows Components’ Folder and Double Click on that Folder as shown below in the Image
  • Scroll Down to the Bottom and Search For the Folder ‘ Windows Explorer’ and Double Click on that Folder as shown below in the image
  • Now Search For the Policy ‘Hide these Specified drives in My Folder’ and Double Click on that as shown below in the Image
  • Select the Enabled Option and Select the Partitions that You Want to Hide Under the Option ‘Pick one of the Following Combinations’ as shown below in the Image
  • You are all Done and You Have Successfully Hide Hard Disk Partitions

Hide Hard Drive in Windows 7/Vista/XP Using Command Prompt

  • Run Command Prompt as an Administrator.You Must RUN Command Prompt as an Administrator to Use this Method Else it will not Work
  • Now Type the Following Commands One by One as Shown below in the ImageHow to Hide Hard Drive in Windows 7
  • Type ‘diskpart
  • Type ‘list volume
  • Type ‘select volume 7‘ (Note - Select the Volume/Partition That You Want to Hide Here I want to Hide the M Label Partition )
  • Type ‘remove letter m
  • It will Now Make Your M Label Drive Inaccessible and Will be Hidden
Note - You Can Unhide the Same Drive by Using the Command ‘assign letter m’ after Following all the Commands Upto Selection of Volume as shown in the above Image

Hide Hard Drive in Windows 7/Vista/XP Using Registry Editor

  • Go to Run and Type ‘regedit’ in RUN Dialog Box
  • Now Search For the Key  –HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • Now You Need to Create a New DWORD (32-bit) Value by Right Clicking in the Right Pane as Shown below in the ImageHow to Hide Hard Drive in Windows 7
  • Give a Name to the New Key i.e Hide Drives Or No Drives etc and Double Click on that
  • Now Switch to Decimal Mode and Type the Value to Hide the Specified Drive i.e To Hide Drive B type 2 in the Value Field As Shown BelowHow to Hide Hard Drive in Windows 7
  • A: 1
  • B: 2
  • C: 4
  • D: 8
  • E: 16
  • F: 32
  • G: 64
  • H: 128
  • I: 256
  • J: 512
  • K: 1024
  • L: 2048
  • M: 4096
  • N: 8192
  • O: 16384
  • P: 32768
  • Q: 65536
  • R: 131072
  • S: 262144
  • T: 524288
  • U: 1048576
  • V: 2097152
  • W: 4194304
  • X: 8388608
  • Y: 16777216
  • Z: 33554432
  • ALL: 67108863
Note - If You want to Hide More Than One Drive then Enter the Sum of all the Values of the Drives For Example – If you Want to Hide Drive A,D,E then Type 25 (1+8+16) in the Value Field

Hide Hard Drive in Windows Using Third Party Software

You can Also Use Third Party Software’s to Hide Hard Disk Partitions in Windows.Here below is Some List of Free Tools to Hide Hard Disk Partition in Windows
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