August 24, 2013

Right Inbox now lets you track when an e-mail is opened

Right Inbox has added a new feature to its existing Gmail browser extension that allows you to track when an e-mail is opened.

We originally told you about Right Inbox and how it allowed you to schedule when your e-mails in Gmail were to be sent. The latest version of the extension adds the ability to track when your e-mails are opened. If you currently have the Right Inbox extension installed, you should already see the new feature when composing an e-mail.

If you don't have the extension currently, head on over to to get it. You'll need to be using either Firefox or Chrome. 

After the extension is installed, compose a new message in Gmail. You will see a new button with a check box next to the title of Track. Compose your message as you normally would, check the box if you wish to be alerted when your e-mail is opened, and send it on its way.

Once the recipient opens the e-mail, Right Inbox will send you an e-mail alerting you to the fact the e-mail has been opened. It's that easy.

I'm not sure why anyone would want to know where the person opened the e-mail is located, as well as the exact IP address it was opened from, but that information is included as well.

I know the feeling of sending off an important e-mail, hoping it was received and not sent to a junk folder on accident. There's that time period when you begin to question if a follow-up e-mail would be too pushy, or come across the wrong way. Tracking will help to let you know if the e-mail has been opened.

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